

  • A cool token name

  • A web3 Solana wallet

  • Time : 1 minute

  • Cost : 1 SOL

By following this tutorial, I can

  • Pick a name for my token, and symbol

  • Choose a freeze and mint authority

  • Decide on a number of decimals

  • Pay in SOL or SMRT

Step 1 - Click on Create a new SPL token

Head to the Token management page and click on "Create an SPL token". You will also see existing SPL tokens from the web3 wallet connected to your Solminter dashboard.

Step 2 - Create SPL token

Creating an SPL token is simple, here you can pick the name, symbol, which wallet address will have rights on your token and the number of decimals.

Please note that you can pay either in SOL or SMRT (SMRT at a 25% discount).

Step 3 - Approve the transaction in web3

Once your settings are final, click create token and approve the transaction in your connected wallet.

Congratulations, you have now minted your SPL token. We recommend heading straight to the Customise section to add more details to your token : Supply, etc.

Last updated